I was inspired, as usual, by a chocolate craving attack, and so I started flipping through my books looking for something a little more creative than my usual brownies. As I drooled over the different recipes in "Chocolate," I started cursing myself for not having the ingredients on hand to make some of the more delicious looking recipes (why on earth don't I have dark chocolate in my pantry??) But finally, I came across something that seemed just right - Chocolate Fairy Cakes. This was basically a recipe for chocolate cupcakes, which I've been dying to make for a while, so it sounded like a surefire winner, especially since I actually had all the ingredients on hand and wouldn't even have to fiddle with substitutions.
I began with the icing, because I have a terrible history with making icings so if this didn't work, there would be no point in baking the cupcakes. Unless the base is cream cheese, I can never get them to come out right so for years I have avoided recipes that called for frosting, unwilling as I am to buy pre-made things. But, to my surprise, I followed the directions and added the milk slowly, and voila! Icing appeared in my bowl! Very exciting, but sadly, this was to be the night's only success...
Next, I started melting the chocolate for the cupcakes. I do this all the time directly in the pan for brownies, but I decided to try this double boiler business since sticking to the recipe worked for the icing, so why not here, too? But when I attempted this, I was left with a mound of chocolate that simply would not liquefy. So I decided to go back to the tried and true technique of melting it in the pan, and dropped my two ounces of chocolate into a small pan on low heat. But just like before, only a mound of mushy chocolate appeared with no liquid in sight. Finally, it dawned on me - what was different here from my brownie recipe that works like a charm every time? Butter! Butter makes everything better! So I dropped the softened butter that would just be added later anyway into the pot with my chocolate, and voila! A nice, velvety chocolate sauce.

And then I tasted them, or rather, the lack of taste. How could a book called "Chocolate" steer me so wrong???
Into the trash they went, because we're technically dieting in my house and there's no point in wasting calories on non-delicious chocolate items (a very strange phrase, I know...) I'm going to look for a better recipe, but I'd definitely take suggestions on how this one might be improved, too. (Click "read more" to see the recipe.)
In the mean time, it'd be a shame to let the frosting go to waste...